12/10/2012 MANIPURA CHAKRA: TwistsTwists help to detoxify the body by wringing out the organ tissues. They are a powerful part of building digestive fire as well as increasing the health of all systems of the body. Matangi Mudra Interlace the fingers together and extend the middle fingers upwards, hold in front of the chest. Benefits: Activates solar plexus and digestion Practice Tips: Use when feeling low energy or low enthusiasm Contraindications: High blood pressure Table Twist Begin on all fours. Inhale lift right arm out to side. Exhale press right arm under left armpit lowering right shoulder to floor. Continue to press left hand into floor for balance. Can also raise left knee up pressing left ball of foot into floor. Be careful not to put too much pressure on your head. Therapeutics: Opens upper back, shoulders and rib cage. Twist Practice
- Reclining Twist - Windshield Wipers - Seated Twist x5 w/ Breath - Twisted Lunge - Down Dog - Table Twist - Revolved Down Dog - Uttanasana - Ganeshasana - Airplane Twist - Trikonasana - Pyramid Pose - Parvrita Trikonasana - Prasarita Paddotanasana - Bharadvajasana's Twist - Marichyasana I - Setu Bandha - Savasana
12/3/2012 MANIPURA CHAKRA: Fire ElementThe fire element resides in the upper abdomen and regulates the physical digestion of food and the emotional digestion of experiences. At times our internal fires may burn too hot which results in feelings of anger, aggression, overly controling behaviors and physcial symptoms such as acidity and diarrhea. Other times our fire may be too cool resulting in feeling the victim, being pushed around and unable to make life changes. The following practices will help to bring this internal fire, or Agni, into balance. Ganesha Mudra Cross index finger over middle finger on each hand and touch tips of index fingers together. Press palms, ring and little fingers flat against one another. Hold hands at heart with fingers pointing away. Benefits: Stimulates digestion & metabolism, grounding. Practice Tips: Use when feeling anxious or unable to process emotional experiences. Contraindications: Pregnancy Half Circle Pose Begin kneeling. Straighten left leg out to side and bring right hand to floor to the right of the right knee. Inhale left arm up and either circle arm or hold it statically. Repeat to both sides. Therapeutics: Opens the side chest and if you move the arm it also awakens the lymph nodes at the armpits. Practices for Balancing the Fire Element
- Ganesha Mudra - Reclining Side Bend - Seated Side Bend x5 with breath - Seated Twist x5 with breath - Cat/Cow - Wagging the Tail - Half Circle Pose - Parighasana - Downward Dog - Childs Pose - Standing Side Bend - Krishna's Side Bend - Warrior II - Reverse Warrior - Side Angle - Wide-legged forward bend - Bharadvajasana's Twist - Ardha Matsyendrasana - Reclining Twist - Bridge Pose - Savsana |
September 2022
I attend Cheryl's class regularly and feel that my practice has improved immensely over the past few years due to her expert coaching. Her teaching style is clear and compassionate and her previous experience in teaching adults is evident in her organized approach and easy to understand instructions. I also appreciate that Cheryl not only teaches us about how to correctly position ourselves, but also touches on many aspects of yoga philosophy, which in turn has deepened my personal practice and heightened my awareness of the connection between mind and body, breath and relaxation. |