Earn 15 CECs through Yoga Alliance
Subtle Practices Training (15 hours)
Are you ready to move your practice and teaching beyond the postures of yoga? Join integrative yoga therapist, Cheryl Fenner Brown, for an exploration of mudra, breath, mantra, and sound; some of the most subtle yet profoundly powerful practices in the yoga toolbox.
What You'll Learn:
- Learn about the koshas, prana, vayus, nadis and chakras of the subtle body
- Learn how to set a deeply meaningful intention and what you can do with it in your personal practice
- Understand how and why mudras work to shift awareness by directing vital energy into the body
- Explore specific mudras for pranayama, the chakras, vayus, meditation
- Learn which mudras are helpful for common ailments like stress, headaches, and insomnia
- Learn how sound practices awaken the subtle energies of the body and practice bija mantras for grounding, opening the heart and stimulating the mind.
- Learn how to incorporate sound, bija, and personalized mantra into your teaching or daily practice.
- Learn why Om is so important and how to use a mala for meditation
- Learn common yoga chants along with mudra sequences that enhance their meaning.