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- Yoga Nidra for Chakra Balance - CD Set
Yoga Nidra for Chakra Balance - CD Set
A set of guided meditations based on the chakras; seven potent energetic wheels aligned along the body’s vertical axis from the pelvic floor to the crown of the head.
A 4 CD box set including the following tracks:
1. Muladhara Chakra (30:35) - The root chakra resides in the center of the pelvic floor and provides a base of support for the physical body and emotional experiences. Associated with the color red and the stable earth element, the first chakra governs our sense of belonging, identity, heritage and relationships to family and money.Â
2. Svadhisthana Chakra (30:49) - The sacral chakra resides in the center of the pelvis and enables all aspects of dreams and healthy desires to be embraced through creativity and sensuality. Associated with the color orange and the fluid water element, the second chakra it governs the process of elimination and reproduction.
1. Manipura Chakra (32:54) - The solar plexus chakra resides in the upper abdomen and transforms food into energy and challenges into opportunities through positive growth and clear self-esteem. Associated with the color yellow and the transformative fire element, the third chakra governs the upper digestive organs.
2. Anahata Chakra (35:50) - The heart chakra resides in the center of the chest and is the source of universal love allowing for the integration of all life experiences through acceptance and compassion. Associated with the color green and the buoyant air element, the fourth chakra governs the heart, lungs, shoulders, arms and hands.
1. Vishuddha Chakra (32:20) - The throat chakra resides in the throat and enables clear communication by drawing both from our bodily experience and our wisdom. Associated with the color sky blue and the purifying ether element, the fifth chakra governs all the organs of speech as well as our ability to live in alignment with our highest truth.
2. Ajna Chakra (36:22) - The third eye chakra resides between the eyebrows and enables intuition, visualization, imagination, and clarity of thought. Associated with the color indigo blue, the sixth chakra governs the eyes, ears, nose, activities of the brain, central nervous system and sense of self.
1. Sahasrara Chakra (28:16) - The crown chakra resides at the center of the crown of the head and connects the individual mind to universal consciousness. Associated with the color violet, the experience of the seventh chakra is the culmination of the chakra journey in which no doubts or questions remain, only inspiration, transcendent thoughts, unity and wholeness.
2. Chakra Balancing (36:32) - The final meditation brings awareness and balance to the entire chakra system through visualization of the images, colors, attributes and vitalities of the seven chakras.
Written by: Cheryl Fenner Brown & Sharon Olson
Muladhara, Manipura, Vishuddha, Sahasrara are narrated by Sharon Olson
Svadhisthana, Anahata, Ajna and Chakra Balancing are narrated by Cheryl Fenner Brown
- Scripts for these meditations are NOT available for purchase, MP3 files are.
- I teach a live Yoga Nidra class on Fridays at 1:30 pm EST. Registration includes a replay link available for a week after air date. Â
- Want to learn how to write your own scripts? Join this 10-hour Yoga Nidra Training (CEC's for Yoga Alliance available)
- View all of the Yoga Nidra resources.Â
Yoga Nidra is a systematic method of guided relaxation that has a profound healing effect on the body, mind and emotions. You will be brought into the hypnagogic state, a state of awareness between full wakefulness and sleeping where the witness consciousness resides. Through this practice deep relaxation is achieved allowing for the access and discovery of our innate wisdom.
Prepare yourself for a journey through wakeful sleep, conscious awareness and observation without judgment. The process will guide you through relaxation, sankalpa or intention setting, breath awareness, rotation of consciousness, manifestation of opposites, creative visualization, repetition of the sankalpa and returning to wakefulness. The only requirement is to remain comfortable and still while listening to the instructions.
It is best to practice Yoga Nidra in a quiet place where you can rest and remain undisturbed for 30-40 minutes. Lie on your back with support under your knees, your arms resting at your sides and the eyes closed. You may wish to cover yourself with a light blanket as your body will cool as it relaxes. If you sense yourself drifting away return to the sound of the words being spoken and sink deeper into restful awareness.
The Chakra System is an alternative anatomy aligned along the spine from the pelvic floor to the crown of the head. These spinning wheels are invisible energetic crossroads of the body, mind and spirit. They are a means of understanding our physical health, emotional well-being, mental clarity, and spiritual path. As we process our life’s experiences, the chakras may become imbalanced. A chakra system out of balance may set the stage for physical, emotional, mental or spiritual challenges. Yoga Nidra for Chakra Balance can restore this system of vital energies allowing harmony, contentment, wisdom and love to prevail.
The root chakra resides in the center of the pelvic floor and provides a base of support for the physical body and emotional experiences. Associated with the color red and the stable earth element, the first chakra governs our sense of belonging, identity, heritage and relationships to family and money.
The sacral chakra resides in the center of the pelvis and enables all aspects of dreams and healthy desires to be embraced through creativity and sensuality. Associated with the color orange and the fluid water element, the second chakra it governs the process of elimination and reproduction.
The solar plexus chakra resides in the upper abdomen and transforms food into energy and challenges into opportunities through positive growth and clear self-esteem. Associated with the color yellow and the transformative fire element, the third chakra governs the upper digestive organs.
The heart chakra resides in the center of the chest and is the source of universal love allowing for the integration of all life experiences through acceptance and compassion. Associated with the color green and the buoyant air element, the fourth chakra governs the heart, lungs, shoulders, arms and hands.
The throat chakra resides in the throat and enables clear communication by drawing both from our bodily experience and our wisdom. Associated with the color sky blue and the purifying ether element, the fifth chakra governs all the organs of speech as well as our ability to live in alignment with our highest truth.
The third eye chakra resides between the eyebrows and enables intuition, visualization, imagination, and clarity of thought. Associated with the color indigo blue, the sixth chakra governs the eyes, ears, nose, activities of the brain, central nervous system and sense of self.
The crown chakra resides at the center of the crown of the head and connects the individual mind to universal consciousness. Associated with the color violet, the experience of the seventh chakra is the culmination of the chakra journey in which no doubts or questions remain, only inspiration, transcendent thoughts, unity and wholeness.
The final meditation brings awareness and balance to the entire chakra system through visualization of the images, colors, attributes and vitalities of the seven chakras.
Don't underestimate the value of Doing Nothing, of just going along, listening to all the things you can't hear, and not bothering.